In the evocative photo series titled 'Separation,' the artist embarks on a creative journey that blends nostalgia with innovation. This project was conceived during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, a time marked by isolation and reflection. Smith found himself confined to his home, surrounded by memories captured in photographs. This period of enforced separation from the outside world inspired him to re-examine these images, seeking solace and new perspectives.

The heart of the project lies in the digital manipulation of these photographs. Smith meticulously cuts out objects, figures, or elements from the original images using photo-editing software. This digital separation is a delicate process, requiring precision and an acute sense of composition. Each cut-out piece represents a fragment of the past, now liberated from its original context and ready to be reimagined.

Determined to bring a unique new dimension to his work, Smith learned CAD (Computer-Aided Design) software to design the frames for the lightboxes. Mastering this new skill allowed him to precisely craft the intricate structures. Using 3D printing technology, he brought these designs to life, creating custom frames that house each photo. This technical process added a layer of craftsmanship to the work, merging digital design with physical creation. These lightboxes serve as new, three-dimensional canvases where the cut-out elements are arranged to tell new stories.

Lighting plays a crucial role in bringing these miniature worlds to life. By illuminating the lightboxes, Smith adds depth and dimension, casting shadows and highlights that enhance the three-dimensional effect. The interplay of light and shadow not only gives the scenes a lifelike quality but also emphasizes the theme of separation, as isolated objects stand out against their illuminated backgrounds.

Smith also made a deliberate artistic choice to desaturate all of his images. By removing the color, he emphasized the themes of separation and isolation. The monochromatic palette created a stark, timeless quality, allowing viewers to focus more on the composition and emotional resonance of each piece.

'Separation' is more than a technical exercise; it is a profound exploration of memory, identity, and the passage of time. Through the creation of these lightboxes, Smith bridges the gap between the past and present, transforming static photographs into dynamic, layered narratives.